Complex Medical Problem Solving

Complex Medical Problem Solving

Mold Illness

Mold illness has increasingly become a root cause for mysterious chronic illnesses. It is mostly caused by consistent exposure to a water-damaged building, during which the nasal passages and gut become colonized with molds that produce mycotoxins. This leads to an incredible list of symptoms that baffle patients and doctors for years. The most common symptoms of mold illness are fatigue, brain fog, allergies, asthma, shortness of breath, gas and bloating, food intolerance, weird sensations like electric shocks or vibrations, emotional dysregulation, depression, anxiety, and tinnitus, to name a few. There are several more.

Pathogenic molds are toxic to every part of the body, especially the liver, kidneys, brain, and nervous system. Mycotoxins are environmental toxins that, when in excess of what the body can handle, require treatment with binders to remove them, antioxidants to combat the intense oxidative stress, and nutrients to replete what has been spent by the body trying to help itself. In treating mold/mycotoxin exposure it is important to use a combination of nutrition, supplements, and detox protocols to address all aspects of the disease.

Women's Health - Dr. Andrea Mazzola, Naturopathic Medicine, Telehealth